Full Stack Web Development Course

A full stack web development course equips students with the knowledge and abilities needed to design, create, and implement web applications' frontend and backend components. A variety of technologies are usually covered in the curriculum, beginning with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for creating dynamic and adaptable user interfaces. After that, participants learn how to handle server logic and data storage using database management systems like MySQL and server-side programming languages like PHP. Participants acquire competence in all aspects of web development—from designing user interfaces to implementing server-side logic—through practical exercises and hands-on projects. This empowers them to design and construct dynamic, fully functional online applications. After finishing, participants are equipped to work in a variety of full-stack development professions.

Full Stack Web Development Course Module

    Graphic Design & Printing Solutions
  • Fundamental of Graphic Design
  • Understand of Tools & Software Image & Photo Editing
  • Before/After - Face cleaning
  • Photo Background Removal
  • Photo Cleaning & Cloning
  • Photo Manipulation
  • Photo Restoration
  • Photo Stitching
  • Photo Shading
  • Photo Watermark
  • Photo Bordering
  • Image Cropping
  • Photo Enhancement
  • Photo Path - Masking
  • Photo Coloring
  • Photo/Image Re-touching
  • eCommerce Products Editing
  • Website Designing
  • Web base Graphic Designing
  • Website Wireframe Design
  • Website Layout Design Mobile and Responsive Design
  • Mobile Responsive Layout Design
  • Designing for mobile devices
  • Responsive web design
  • UI/UX Design
  • UX Research & Design Thinking
  • Wireframe Design
  • Prototype Design
  • User Experience Design (UXD)
  • Mockup Design
  • Mobile Icon Design
  • Mobile App Design
  • Wordpress
  • Introduction to WordPress
  • What is WordPress?
  • The difference between WordPress.com and WordPress.org
  • Setting up a local development environment
  • WordPress Installation and Configuration
  • Installing WordPress on a hosting server
  • Basic settings and configuration
  • Managing users and permissions
  • Creating Content with WordPress
  • Creating posts and pages
  • Working with categories and tags
  • Adding media (images, videos, etc.)
  • Customizing Themes
  • Understanding WordPress themes
  • Theme installation and activation
  • Customizing themes with the Customizer and CSS
  • Developing Custom Themes
  • Introduction to theme development
  • Custom post types and templates
  • Plugin Install and Advanced Features
  • Introduction to the plugin & its usage
  • Install Plugin and Implement
  • Advanced features: custom fields, widgets, and short codes
  • HTML
  • Introduction to HTML
  • The basic structure of HTML document
  • Common HTML tags and their functions
  • Adding headings, and paragraphs to web pages
  • Inserting images into web pages
  • Creating hyperlinks in HTML Creating HTML tables
  • Table elements (rows, columns, headers)
  • Table formatting (cell padding, cell spacing, borders)
  • HTML Lists
  • unordered Lists
  • ordered lists
  • HTML Forms
  • Form Input Types (Text, Password, Radio Buttons, Checkboxes, etc.)
  • Form Validation
  • CSS
  • CSS Syntax
  • Types Of CSS (Inline, Internal, and External CSS)
  • Text Properties (Text Color, Text Background Color)
  • Box Model Properties (Margin, Padding, Border)
  • Background Properties (Background-Color, Background-Image)
  • CSS Position (Static, Relative, Fixed, absolute, Sticky)
  • JS Introduction
  • JS Getting Started
  • JS Syntax
  • JS & DOM (Document Object Model)
  • DOM Method
  • DOM Elements
  • DOM Forms
  • DOM Animations
  • DOM Events
  • Introduction of JQuery
  • JQuery Effects
  • jQuery Hide/Show
  • jQuery Fade
  • jQuery Slide
  • jQuery Animate
  • jQuery stop()
  • jQuery Callback
  • jQuery Chaining
  • JQuery HTML
  • Bootstrap
  • Bootstrap Introduction
  • Bootstrap Getting Started
  • Bootstrap Grid System
  • Bootstrap Fixed Layout
  • Bootstrap Fluid Layout
  • Bootstrap Responsive Layout
  • Bootstrap Tables
  • Bootstrap Lists
  • Bootstrap Forms
  • Bootstrap Buttons
  • Bootstrap Images
  • Bootstrap Cards
  • Bootstrap Icons
  • Bootstrap Navbar
  • Bootstrap Badges
  • Bootstrap Progress Bars
  • Introduction of PHP
  • XAMPP Setup
  • Print Hello World
  • Datatypes
  • variable declaration
  • comments
  • Operators
  • Constant
  • String
  • Looping
  • Functions
  • Arrays In PHP
  • for each loop
  • Multidimensional arrays
  • Difference between GET method,POST Method, and Request
  • Building Forms
  • Retrieving submitted data
  • Array functions
  • String functions
  • Date time functions
  • Math Functions
  • FileHandling Function
  • Mysqli Functions
  • Create Session
  • Access & Destroy Session
  • Isset() unset()
  • Login Control Demo
  • Setting A Cookie
  • Accessing cookie
  • Destroying a cookie
  • File Handling
  • Mail() Example
  • PHPMailer Library use
  • OOPS Concepts
  • PHP My-Admin Introduction
  • SQL using MySQL
  • Creating a database
  • Selecting database
  • Creating a table
  • Inserting data into a table
  • Show data from the table
  • Drop table
  • Drop database
  • Constraints
  • Import Export Database
  • PHP Mysqli Connection
  • How to Write Query
  • Store Record
  • Fetch Record
  • Edit Record
  • Delete
  • SignUp & Login
  • Change Password & Forgot Password

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