Frontend Programming Course

The goal of a frontend programming course is to provide students a deep grasp of the concepts and technologies used in creating web applications' user interfaces. The fundamentals of web development, including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, are usually covered first in the course to help students build organized, eye-catching websites. Participants in the course go deeper into subjects like front-end frameworks and responsive web design as it goes on. The course incorporates practical, hands-on projects and activities that enable learners to gain skill in building dynamic, interactive user interfaces. Participants should be well-prepared for positions in web development by the conclusion of the course with the abilities required to design and deploy contemporary, responsive frontend components.

Frontend Programming Course Module

  • Introduction to HTML
  • The basic structure of HTML document
  • Common HTML tags and their functions
  • Adding headings, and paragraphs to web pages
  • Inserting images into web pages
  • Creating hyperlinks in HTML Creating HTML tables
  • Table elements (rows, columns, headers)
  • Table formatting (cell padding, cell spacing, borders)
  • HTML Lists
  • unordered Lists
  • ordered lists
  • HTML Forms
  • Form Input Types (Text, Password, Radio Buttons, Checkboxes, etc.)
  • Form Validation
  • CSS
  • CSS Syntax
  • Types Of CSS (Inline, Internal, and External CSS)
  • Text Properties (Text Color, Text Background Color)
  • Box Model Properties (Margin, Padding, Border)
  • Background Properties (Background-Color, Background-Image)
  • CSS Position (Static, Relative, Fixed, absolute, Sticky)
  • JS Introduction
  • JS Getting Started
  • JS Syntax
  • JS & DOM (Document Object Model)
  • DOM Method
  • DOM Elements
  • DOM Forms
  • DOM Animations
  • DOM Events
  • Introduction of JQuery
  • JQuery Effects
  • jQuery Hide/Show
  • jQuery Fade
  • jQuery Slide
  • jQuery Animate
  • jQuery stop()
  • jQuery Callback
  • jQuery Chaining
  • JQuery HTML
  • Bootstrap
  • Bootstrap Introduction
  • Bootstrap Getting Started
  • Bootstrap Grid System
  • Bootstrap Fixed Layout
  • Bootstrap Fluid Layout
  • Bootstrap Responsive Layout
  • Bootstrap Tables
  • Bootstrap Lists
  • Bootstrap Forms
  • Bootstrap Buttons
  • Bootstrap Images
  • Bootstrap Cards
  • Bootstrap Icons
  • Bootstrap Navbar
  • Bootstrap Badges
  • Bootstrap Progress Bars

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