Backend Programming Course

Students who take a Backend Programming course with a PHP emphasis gain a thorough grasp of the technologies used to build the server-side logic and architecture for web applications. The first part of the course usually covers an introduction to PHP basics, including server-side programming, data management, and MySQL database connectivity. Participants gain knowledge in handling user authentication, designing and implementing solid server-side logic, and handling security issues. The creation of RESTful APIs, server optimization, and integration with cloud-based applications are examples of advanced subjects. In order to reinforce theoretical topics, the curriculum incorporates practical exercises and hands-on projects. This allows learners to construct safe and scalable backend systems using PHP. Participants should be skilled in designing and implementing backend components at the end of the course.

Backend Programming Course Module

  • Introduction of PHP
  • XAMPP Setup
  • Print Hello World
  • Datatypes
  • variable declaration
  • comments
  • Operators
  • Constant
  • String
  • Looping
  • Functions
  • Arrays In PHP
  • for each loop
  • Multidimensional arrays
  • Difference between GET method,POST Method, and Request
  • Building Forms
  • Retrieving submitted data
  • Array functions
  • String functions
  • Date time functions
  • Math Functions
  • FileHandling Function
  • Mysqli Functions
  • Create Session
  • Access & Destroy Session
  • Isset() unset()
  • Login Control Demo
  • Setting A Cookie
  • Accessing cookie
  • Destroying a cookie
  • File Handling
  • Mail() Example
  • PHPMailer Library use
  • OOPS Concepts
  • PHP My-Admin Introduction
  • SQL using MySQL
  • Creating a database
  • Selecting database
  • Creating a table
  • Inserting data into a table
  • Show data from the table
  • Drop table
  • Drop database
  • Constraints
  • Import Export Database
  • PHP Mysqli Connection
  • How to Write Query
  • Store Record
  • Fetch Record
  • Edit Record
  • Delete
  • SignUp & Login
  • Change Password & Forgot Password

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